Hi friends! You can find more pictures/info on my IG @wisedeathmalas

About Malas

What do I do with a mala?

Malas are beads traditionally used for meditation. You could say an intention as you move your fingers along each bead (similarly to how you use a rosary). You could take a breath in and out as you hold each bead. I use a variety of bead shapes/textures/sizes/colors, which is very helpful for grounding purposes. It helps us to focus and stay present. I love to hold a mala during Zoom meetings to stay on track. They can also be used for aesthetics- hang it up! Place it in a special bowl on your dresser! Wear it as a necklace or bracelet. Do whatever feels right. Many of my customers have said their beads give off calming, peaceful energy- I definitely feel more anchored when I wear mine. 

Be gentle with your beads! The string is strong but just like anything, can break. The strand will loosen up more as time goes on. The more you handle your beads, the more pliable and comforting they will get.